Discipleship Pathway

The goal of the MAC Discipleship Pathway is for groups and members to know, love, and worship Jesus in the context of Biblical spiritual formation. As we continue to multiply disciples, our focus is on an authentic relational community and to remain mindful of our mission to live out the love of Jesus in our world. This is best expressed through three main areas of focus: Corporate Worship on Sunday, Belonging in a LifeGroup, and Discovering your place of Service.

We seek to love God with a heart, soul, mind, and strength commitment and to                   pursue him with all our hearts. As a family of believers with the same goals and dreams, we meet in a weekly corporate gathering to celebrate our church family and to worship our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We each need intimate relationships with a group of Christian believers who will help us mature into the image of Jesus. In a LifeGroup we develop a deeper relationship with the Lord and with each other as we navigate the joys and challenges of life together. These relationships are based on trust, honesty, and a willingness to sacrifice for each other.

All of us have unique gifts and talents. As we discover our God-given gifts, we want to use them to illustrate God’s love for others and our love for our neighbors. This brings a richness to our lives, making them meaningful and abundant. Finding a place of service that has a sense of God’s calling attached brings glory to God, and it will bring us great joy as we give of ourselves for the benefit of others.