What kind of a time commitment am I making by joining a LifeGroup?
LifeGroups are designed to build deep discipleship relationships. This does require a long-term time commitment; but in many cases, people may wish to explore a variety of groups before they commit to the one that is right for them. We ask those who sign up for a LifeGroup to make a short-term commitment to attend the group for the full 12 or 16 weeks the group will meet that semester or season. This provides the opportunity to get to know each person in the group well, but it also opens an off-ramp for those who would like to consider another group before making a long-term commitment.
Who should I talk to about childcare?
Each LifeGroup will decide the best method of providing childcare for group members. Please be sure to note if you want to include your children in the LifeGroup you desire to attend, and discuss childcare options with the individual group leaders.
Why are some LifeGroups Full?
Some of our LifeGroups began with the curriculum we used in 2020 called “Rooted.” Other groups have used various curriculum and discussion formats since that time, and are considered “full” simply because they have no room for additional people. Church leadership encourages all LifeGroups to multiply at some point when they become full. The best way to do this is to allow each group the freedom to do this organically. This means the group will determine the best timetable for change and where various members of the group will go. As the group prays together about this and gains a sense of God’s leading, they will then approach the church leadership. Church leadership will then assist, train, and equip the group to fulfill their vision to multiply and broaden their ministry. LifeGroups that are “full” would then become open for others to attend.
LifeGroups are designed to build deep discipleship relationships. This does require a long-term time commitment; but in many cases, people may wish to explore a variety of groups before they commit to the one that is right for them. We ask those who sign up for a LifeGroup to make a short-term commitment to attend the group for the full 12 or 16 weeks the group will meet that semester or season. This provides the opportunity to get to know each person in the group well, but it also opens an off-ramp for those who would like to consider another group before making a long-term commitment.
Who should I talk to about childcare?
Each LifeGroup will decide the best method of providing childcare for group members. Please be sure to note if you want to include your children in the LifeGroup you desire to attend, and discuss childcare options with the individual group leaders.
Why are some LifeGroups Full?
Some of our LifeGroups began with the curriculum we used in 2020 called “Rooted.” Other groups have used various curriculum and discussion formats since that time, and are considered “full” simply because they have no room for additional people. Church leadership encourages all LifeGroups to multiply at some point when they become full. The best way to do this is to allow each group the freedom to do this organically. This means the group will determine the best timetable for change and where various members of the group will go. As the group prays together about this and gains a sense of God’s leading, they will then approach the church leadership. Church leadership will then assist, train, and equip the group to fulfill their vision to multiply and broaden their ministry. LifeGroups that are “full” would then become open for others to attend.
Posted in Disciple-Making Discipleship Updates