Behavioral Change in Others

The Bible tells us we are all sinners and are therefore separated from God.  Thankfully, Jesus died to remedy this problem.  Our responsibility, as those in relationship with Jesus, is to carry this message to others.

But there is a problem.  As Christians, we often get sidetracked into thinking that it is our job to change the behavior of lost souls instead of leading them to Jesus who has the ability to change their hearts.  We get upset about the sinful things that sinful people do, forgetting that we once walked that path ourselves.

A sinner does sinful stuff.  That’s just nature.  We know we are not better than sinners, because we are all originally cut from the same cloth.  What changed in us as Christians is that God changed our hearts.  That is what changed our behavior.

If my goal is to change the behavior of sinners without trying to change their hearts, it will harden their hearts toward me and toward God.  My work will bring the opposite kind of fruit that I am seeking to produce for the Kingdom of God.  It’s not about winning the battle but winning the heart.

Whether it is a case of unlawful politics, dishonest business practices, or lying, cheating, and manipulating others, I am called to love the sinner not change their behavior.  Changing people is God’s job.  (Matthew 5:39-45)

Genuine love is the greatest of all powers when bringing change to the hearts of the lost.  This is how God reached most of us.  We must change our hearts and then work to change the hearts of sinners.  This is very easy to talk about, but hard to do.

The reason it is hard to do is that it requires us to die.  We must die to ourselves and put our will into God’s hands.  We must love an enemy with our hearts and our actions, and even be willing to pray for God to give them light, mercy, and blessing.  This is what changes the heart of a lost soul.  (Galatians 2:20)

I am to go after the heart, not the behavior.  It requires me to change my heart first, which translated means I allow God to change my heart.  This involves pursuing the fruit of the Spirit in me such as love, peace, gentleness, kindness, and patience.  God will gladly give me these things as I seek him.  And, yes, I must be willing to forgive.

As Christians, we must confine our passion for justice and righteous to saving the life of a lost soul instead of expecting sinners to do things that are contrary to their sinful nature. When we concentrate only on changing sinful behaviors, we get our eye off the ball and end up fighting the wrong battles.

A change in behavior is not the endgame, it is the salvation of a lost soul.  With the love of Jesus lived out in me, I am doing my part as God’s Spirit wins hearts, saves souls, and brings genuine behavioral change into the lives of sinners.