The Professional and the Amateur

One Sunday a great Christian opera singer was invited to do a special song for a large church in a big city, and he accepted. When the day arrived, the professional singer sang a well-known Christian song. His voice was perfect and echoed through the sanctuary. It was one of the greatest presentations ever. Afterward, the congregation gave him a standing ovation as he bowed to show his gratitude for their applause.

Backstage there was another singer who was scheduled to do a special song at the end of the service. She was a young lady from the church with a developing talent, but there was a problem. She and the opera singer had chosen the same song. She did not have anywhere near his level of skill, and she was terrified because it was too late for her to select another song.
She had prayed for the Lord to use her to touch the hearts of his people for much of the week. She even fasted several meals as she prayed for God to help her. She was new to singing on a stage, and very nervous. She told the pastor of her dilemma and he encouraged her to sing what she had prepared. As the service ended, she stood to sing her song. Frightened and embarrassed that she could not compare to the professional voice of the previous singer, she humbly trusted God and sang with all her heart.

Then something unexpected began to happen. As the young lady sang, the people reacted differently. It was the same song, but this time people began to stand with their hands raised toward heaven as she sang. The people began to sing with her. They all started to stand, eyes closed and deeply moved, and some were crying. God was moving in the hearts of the people as she had asked him to do. The people continued worshipping for several more minutes, even after she sat down.

As a Christian, when we pray in humility and ask God to help us to be a blessing to his people, something begins to happen. God wants us to trust more in Jesus than we do in our own abilities. He can do what we cannot. In response to prayer, the Holy Spirit will draw people to the meeting, he will convict those present, and he will anoint those who sing or speak on his behalf. Our words will then penetrate the hearts of others. This brings the fruit of changed hearts and lives, and God receives all the glory.